Results for 'Max Gray Rogers'

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  1. Yahweh War and Tribal Confederation: Reflections upon Israel3s Earliest History.Rudolf Smend & Max Gray Rogers - 1970
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    Case alternation impairs word identification.Max Coltheart & Roger Freeman - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (2):102-104.
  3.  52
    Active hippocampus during nonconscious memories.Katharina Henke, Valerie Treyer, Eva Turi Nagy, Stefan Kneifel, Max Dürsteler, Roger M. Nitsch & Alfred Buck - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12 (1):31-48.
    The hippocampal formation is known for its importance in conscious, declarative memory. Here, we report neuroimaging evidence in humans for an additional role of the hippocampal formation in nonconscious memory. We maskedly presented combinations of faces and written professions such that subjects were not aware of them. Nevertheless, the masked presentations activated many of the brain regions that unmasked presentations of these stimuli did. To induce a nonconscious retrieval of the faces and face-associated occupational information, subjects were instructed to view (...)
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    Reorganization impasse.Max Siegel, Nicholas Cummings, Rogers Wright, Suzanne Sobel & Wilbur Morely - 1987 - Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 7 (1):30-33.
    For over a decade, we have watched the state affairs/practitioner constituency within the American Psychological Association move steadily to become the single largest group—clearly a majority—within the membership ranks of the association. Over the same period of time and as the obverse of related demographic phenomena, the research/academic constituency has shrunk to around 30% of the membership. Since power over the affairs of and the destiny of APA has traditionally resided in the hands of the latter, it probably would have (...)
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    Measuring how well the NHS looks after its own staff: methodology of the first national clinical audits of occupational health services in the NHS.Siân Williams, Caroline Rogers, Penny Peel, Samuel B. Harvey, Max Henderson, Ira Madan, Julia Smedley & Robert Grant - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (2):283-289.
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    Patrons—Philip Hefner Fund.Solomon H. Katz, William Lesher, Karl E. Peters, Don Browning, Paul H. Carr, Marjorie H. Davis, Thomas L. Gilbert, P. Roger Gillette, Melvin Gray & Lothar Schäfer - 2009 - Zygon 44 (1):653-654.
  7. George Graham.Peter R. Killeen, Robert Epstein, Willard F. Day Jr, K. Richard Garrett, Max Hocutt, Wv Quine, Roger Schna1tter, Donald Baer, William Baum & David Begelman - 1985 - Behaviorism 13.
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    Max-Min and Min-Max Gray Association Degree-Based Method for Multiattribute Decision Making.Shu-Ping Wan & Jiu-Ying Dong - 2015 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 24 (4):525-531.
    A new method of multiattribute decision making is proposed based on the max-min and min-max gray association degree. The gray association coefficients between the alternative, positive ideal solution and negative ideal solution are defined. Here, we construct a bi-objective programming model that maximizes the minimum gray association degree and minimizes the maximum gray association degree simultaneously. By using the linear weighted summation method, the bi-objective programming model is transformed into a linear programming model. Thus, we can (...)
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    Reading and CommunicationOral Aspects of ReadingRemedial Reading-Teaching and TreatmentBackwardness in ReadingMaturity in ReadingNonverbal Communication.G. Patrick Meredith, Helen M. Robinson, Maurice D. Woolf, Jeanne A. Woolf, M. D. Vernon, William S. Gray, Bernice Rogers, Jurgen Ruesch & Weldon Kees - 1958 - British Journal of Educational Studies 7 (1):67.
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    Dealing with Meanings: a Neglected Step in the Gray’s Elegy Argument.Max Rosenkrantz - 2018 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 38:69-88.
    It is universally agreed that in the “Gray’s Elegy Argument” (GEA) Russell raises a difficulty for the attempt to “speak about” meanings (the phrase is Russell’s) and that the difficulty, assuming it to be genuine, shows the very notion of meaning to be unintelligible. In this paper I try to show that in the GEA Russell considers and rejects an alternative way of manifesting an understanding of meanings—namely, by “dealing with” them (also Russell’s phrase). This step in the GEA (...)
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    Selected Philosophical Essays, by Max Scheler, translated by David R. Lachterman.Roger L. Funk - 1975 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 6 (3):197-198.
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  12. A Reconstruction of Russell's Gray's Elegy Argument.Max Rosenkrantz - 2017 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 6 (2).
    This paper presents a detailed exegesis of Russell’s “Gray’s Elegy Argument”. It holds that the GEA mounts a successful attack on Frege—a thesis that has been widely controverted in the literature. The point of departure for my interpretation is Russell’s charge that it is impossible to speak about Sinne, or “meanings” as Russell calls them. I argue that the charge concerns the construction of an “ideal language.” For Russell, an ideal language is an artificial schema designed to represent the (...)
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    Justifying a Curriculum and Justifying an Institution.W. N. Gray & J. F. Wyatt - 1985 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 2 (1):63-68.
    ABSTRACT The recent revival of interest in theory leads the writers to examine a particular moment when a curriculum and the institution in which it occurred was explained and justified. Max Horkheimer's inaugural address to the Institute for Social Research in 1931 is summarised. The points made by the new Director of the Institute are examined in relation not only to his proposal for an inter‐disciplinary curriculum, but also to the nature of the institution and to the general justification of (...)
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    Descartes and the First Cartesians by Roger Ariew. [REVIEW]John Grey - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (1):167-168.
    The title of Roger Ariew’s new book parallels that of his earlier collection of essays, Descartes and the Last Scholastics, published in 1999 and widely regarded as a signal contribution to the study of Descartes’s relationship to his intellectual predecessors. Some of the themes of that work are reflected in the new book as well. In both, Ariew seeks to overthrow the myth of Descartes as staunch opponent of Scholasticism by revealing his affinities to strands of Scholastic thought. Indeed, given (...)
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    Russell y la Elegía de Gray.Max Fernández de Castro & Rosa María Espinoza - 2022 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 65:11-48.
    El pasaje de la Elegía de Gray (PEG) en “On Denoting” es extremadamente obscuro y ha sido objeto de muy diversas interpretaciones. Aparentemente contiene una crítica devastadora contra la teoría de los conceptos denotativos que el propio Russell había postulado en The Principles of Mathematics (PM) (1903). En este artículo exponemos sucintamente dicha teoría semántica, examinamos detalladamente el pasaje en cuestión y exploramos algunas de las interpretaciones que pretenden desentrañar su sentido. Con ello mostramos, en primer lugar, que la (...)
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    Against the Greying of Confucius: Responses to Gregor Paul and Michael Martin.David L. Hall & Roger T. Ames - 1991 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 18 (3):333-347.
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    Bounded approximate decentralised coordination via the max-sum algorithm.A. Rogers, A. Farinelli, R. Stranders & N. R. Jennings - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (2):730-759.
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    How Could Conscious Experiences Affect Brains?Max Velmans - 2002 - Exeter, UK: Imprint Academic.
    In daily life we take it for granted that our minds have conscious control of our actions, at least for most of the time. But many scientists and philosophers deny that this is really the case, because there is no generally accepted theory of how the mind interacts with the body. Max Velmans presents a non-reductive solution to the problem, in which ‘conscious mental control’ includes ‘voluntary’ operations of the preconscious mind. On this account, biological determinism is compatible with experienced (...)
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Charles M. Dye, Robert Nicholas Berard, Suzanne Hildenbrand, Landon E. Beyer, William H. Schubert, Ann L. Schubert, Roland F. Gray, Donald Fisher, Roger R. Woock, Kathryn M. Borman, Michael J. Carbone, Marsha V. Krotseng, Eric H. Christianson, Stephen K. Miller, Linda Reineck Diefenthaler & John Bremer - 1985 - Educational Studies 16 (3):259-334.
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    Essays on David Hume, Medical Men and the Scottish Enlightenment: ‘Industry, Knowledge and Humanity.’ by Roger L. Emerson (review). [REVIEW]Max Grober - 2012 - Hume Studies 38 (2):243-247.
    This volume collects ten essays by the distinguished historian Roger L. Emerson. Many are augmented versions of public lectures or conference papers, and all advance Emerson’s career-long study of the Scottish Enlightenment, its social foundations, and its institutional embodiments. Emerson states his case and names his rivals in the anchor piece of the collection, “What is to be Done About the Scottish Enlightenment?” The Scottish Enlightenment, he argues, was a broad-based, indigenous movement of long standing, largely independent of English models. (...)
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    Theories of Tyranny, From Plato to Arendt.Roger Boesche - 1995 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    This book explores a little-noticed tradition in the history of European political thought. From Plato to Aristotle to Tacitus and Machiavelli, and from Tocqueville to Max Weber and Hannah Arendt, political thinkers have examined the tyrannies of their times and have wondered how these tyrannies come about, how they work, and how they might be defeated. In examining this perennial problem of tyranny, Roger Boesche looks at how these thinkers borrowed from the past—thus entering into an established dialogue—to analyze the (...)
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  22. Moderate Machiavelli? Contrasting the Prince with the arthashastra of kautilya.Roger Boesche - 2002 - Critical Horizons 3 (2):253-276.
    Max Weber was the first to see that the writings of Machiavelli, when contrasted with the brutal realism of other cultural and political traditions, were not so extreme as they appear to some critics. "Truly radical 'Machiavellianism,' in the popular sense of that word,"Weber said in his famous lecture "Politics as a Vocation," "is classically expressed in Indian literature in the Arthashastra of Kautilya (written long before the birth of Christ, ostensibly in the time of Chandragupta [Maurya]): compared to it, (...)
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    Lublin Thomism.Roger Duncan - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (2):307-324.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:LUBLIN THOMISM 1 THE TEXTS of the philosophers associated with the Catholic University of Lublin, thanks to the tireless work and energy of an editorial board under bhe direction and support of Marie Lescoe, are at last appearing in English.2 'Dhe Lublin school is Thomist in inspiration and avowed adherence. It is Thomist, however, in a manner which makes liberal use of the works of Continental philosophers in the (...)
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    Caracterisation de la structure d'un processus de croissanceCharacterization of the structure of a growth process.Roger Buis, Marie-Thérèse L'Hardy-Halos & Cécile Lambert - 1996 - Acta Biotheoretica 44 (3):359-375.
    L'analyse d'une cinétique de croissance y est conduite à partir du modèle logistique généralisé de Richards-Nelder. On distingue 2 types de processus dits mono- et multi-logistique. Dans le cas mono-logistique, le phénomène est correctement décrit par une seule fonction logistique. La cinétique de croissance est alors caractérisée par lea propriétés de chacune des phases G 1 à G 4, délimitées par les points singuliers Γmax, V max et Γmin. On appelle structure de croissance la contribution relative de ces différentes phases (...)
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  25. Roger Manvell and Heinrich Fraenkel. "The Incomparable Crime". [REVIEW]J. Glenn Gray - 1968 - Journal of Value Inquiry 2 (1):74.
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    An Anthology of western Marxism: from Lukács and Gramsci to socialist-feminism.Roger S. Gottlieb (ed.) - 1989 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This unique anthology brings together readings from the works of the most significant post-Leninist Marxist thinkers. The selections reflect the diversity and high intellectual accomplishment of twentieth-century Marxism and show how these theorists have transformed traditional Marxism's general philosophical orientation, interpretation of historical materialism, models of socialist political practice, and conception of human liberation. The writings reveal the evolution of a sophisticated and democratic Marxism with a theoretical emphasis on class consciousness and subjectivity, a resistance to all forms of domination--including (...)
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    Growth activity and structure at various organization levels in plants.Roger Buis - 1993 - Acta Biotheoretica 41 (3):231-247.
    The growth activity of an organ (variable y) is defined simultaneously by the instantaneous absolute ratedy/dt and its variationd 2y/dt2. The use of these two descriptors allows a sigmoidal (i.e. continuous and non periodical, as observed for the logistic function) growth curve to be discretized into a series of 5 growth states or phases which are delimited by the following singular values: max, Vmax (=0), max, adult stage. The (V, ) plot, termedgrowth trajectory, visualizes, e.g. in the case of Richards-Nelder's (...)
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    Enchantment.Roger Fellows - 2000 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 47:91-104.
    Oscar Wilde remarked in The Picture of Dorian Gray that, ‘It is only the shallow people who do not judge by appearances.’ Over three centuries of natural science show that, at least as far as the study of the natural world is concerned, Wilde's epigram is itself shallow. Weber used the term ‘disenchantment’ to mean the elimination of magic from the modern scientific world view: the intellectual rationalisation of the world embodied in modern science has made it impossible to (...)
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    Critical notices.R. A. P. Rogers - 1910 - Mind 19 (1):574-577.
    Love's bitter fruits: Martha C. Nussbaum The Therapy of Desire: Theory and Practice in Hellenistic Ethics.Max Horkheimer, Between Philosophy and Social Science: Selected Early Writings.
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  30. Approaching infinity: Dignity in Arthur Koestler's darkness at noon.Roger Berkowitz - 2009 - Philosophy and Literature 33 (2):pp. 296-314.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Approaching Infinity:Dignity in Arthur Koestler's Darkness at NoonRoger BerkowitzIn his allegorical novel Darkness at Noon, Arthur Koestler tells of Rubashov, a founding father of an unnamed Party in an unnamed state.1 Jailed by the current Party leader, "Number One," and pressed to recant his deviationist views, Rubashov resists. At first, he resolves to go to his death to preserve his integrity. Later, Rubashov recognizes that to hold to his (...)
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    The limits of neuropsychological models of consciousness.Max Velmans - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):702-703.
    This commentary elaborates on Gray's conclusion that his neurophysiological model of consciousness might explain how consciousness arises from the brain, but does not address how consciousness evolved, affects behaviour or confers survival value. The commentary argues that such limitations apply to all neurophysiological or other third-person perspective models. To approach such questions the first-person nature of consciousness needs to be taken seriously in combination with third-person models of the brain.
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    The Victorian Translation of China: James Legge's Oriental Pilgrimage (review).Roger Corless - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):276-278.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Victorian Translation of China: James Legge's Oriental PilgrimageRoger CorlessThe Victorian Translation of China: James Legge's Oriental Pilgrimage. By Norman J.Girardot. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 2002. xxx + 780 pp.Don't make the mistake I made and allow the size of this book intimidate you. I let it sit around for many months, fearing, as did the author, to "[row] out over the great ocean (...)
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    The Senior Black Correspondent.Jason Holt & John Scott Gray - 2013 - In Jason Holt & William Irwin (eds.), The Ultimate Daily Show and Philosophy: More Moments of Zen, More Indecision Theory. Wiley. pp. 155–166.
    Jon Stewart often delivers the satire himself, but nearly every episode also features at least one of The Daily Show's numerous correspondents. This chapter focuses on Larry Wilmore, who as Senior Black Correspondent is able to discuss issues of race in ways that a white correspondent probably could not. For example, Wilmore has discussed how the election of Barack Obama could be perceived by the African‐American community in the United States, proposing that peer pressure creates a monolithic voting block among (...)
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    Le Sūtra d'Amida PrêChé par le Buddha (review).Roger Corless - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):296-298.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 296-298 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Le Sutra D'amida Prêché Par Le Buddha Le Sutra D'amida Prêché Par Le Buddha. By Jérôme Ducor. Schweizer Asiatische Studien: Monographien; Vol. 29. Bern: Peter Lang, 1998. 216 pp. Paper. $35.95 (in U.S.A.; available from the New York office of the publisher) It is immediately clear that this edition of the Smaller Sukhavativyuha Sutra must be regarded as (...)
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    The Piety of Thinking: Essays by Martin Heidegger (review).J. Glenn Gray - 1980 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 18 (2):242-244.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:242 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY asks questions like these: What is there in favor of calling green a primary color, and not a blend of blue and yellow? (1, 6) or, Why can something be transparent green but not transparent white? (1, 19). The effect of such questions is to force us to realize that our concept of color is more complex than we might have realized, or would want (...)
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    Tsongkhapa: the legacy of Tibet's great philosopher-saint.David B. Gray (ed.) - 2024 - New York: Wisdom Publications.
    This volume is the product of an important recent conference, convened by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, focusing on the intellectual legacy of the Tibetan philosopher, yogi, and saint Tsongkhapa (1357-1419). Entitled "Jé Tsongkhapa: Life, Thought, and Legacy," the conference commemorated the sixth hundredth anniversary of Tsongkhapa's passing and was held on December 21-23, 2019, at Ganden Monastery in Mundgod, India. Part 1 concerns Madhyamaka, a natural reflection of the very important and well-known contributions Tsongkhapa made to the study of (...)
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  37. The meaning of 'wertfreiheit' on the background and motives of Max Weber's "postulate".Wilhelm Hennis, Ulrike Brisson & Roger Brisson - 1994 - Sociological Theory 12 (2):113-125.
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    A leitura das narrativas sagradas: uma crítica à exegese tradicional à luz da Semiótica da Cultura e Teorias Narrativas.Kenner Roger Cazotto Terra - 2016 - Horizonte 14 (43):859-889.
    A interdisciplinaridade, tema caro para as pesquisas científicas, gerou profundas e renovadoras mudanças nas perguntas feitas aos textos, que giravam sempre em torno da autoria, fundo histórico e genealogia de tradições. Observando a história do estabelecimento das ciências da religião, desde os primeiros trabalhos de Max Müller, sabe-se que a leitura das narrativas sagradas foi fundamental. Estas são expressões de linguagem oral ou escrita do ambiente religioso. Neste texto, serão apresentadas as intuições da semiótica da cultura de I. Lótman e (...)
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    Rle: Friedrich Nietzsche: 6-Volume Set.John Carroll, David Edward Cooper, Roger Hollinrake & Janko Lavrin - 2009 - Routledge.
    This six volume Routledge Library Edition set is dedicated to the work of key nineteenth-century German thinker, Friedrich Nietzsche, whose hugely influential work in the field of philosophy continues to be felt to this day. The six volumes, published between 1948 and 1988, represent a truly wide-ranging analysis of Nietzsche’s life and work, offering an excellent overview of the cannon of critical analysis and interpretation on Nietzsche in the twentieth century. The collection covers Nietzsche’s perspectives and influence upon a variety (...)
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    Christianity Connected: Hindus, Muslims and the World in the letters of Max Warren and Roger Hooker. [REVIEW]David Emmanuel Singh - 2003 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 20 (3):188-189.
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  41. ¿ES LA MATEMÁTICA LA NOMOGONÍA DE LA CONCIENCIA? REFLEXIONES ACERCA DEL ORIGEN DE LA CONCIENCIA Y EL PLATONISMO MATEMÁTICO DE ROGER PENROSE / Is Mathematics the “nomogony” of Consciousness? Reflections on the origin of consciousness and mathematical Platonism of Roger Penrose.Miguel Acosta - 2016 - Naturaleza y Libertad. Revista de Estudios Interdisciplinares 7:15-39.
    Al final de su libro “La conciencia inexplicada”, Juan Arana señala que la nomología, explicación según las leyes de la naturaleza, requiere de una nomogonía, una consideración del origen de las leyes. Es decir, que el orden que observamos en el mundo natural requiere una instancia previa que ponga ese orden específico. Sabemos que desde la revolución científica la mejor manera de explicar dicha nomología ha sido mediante las matemáticas. Sin embargo, en las últimas décadas se han presentado algunas propuestas (...)
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  42. Theory of recursive functions and effective computability.Hartley Rogers - 1987 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
  43. Aquinas and the Supreme Court: Race, Gender, and the Failure of Natural Law in Thomas’s Biblical Commentaries.Eugene F. Rogers - 2013 - Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  44. From the Shining City on a Hill to a Great Metropolis on a Plain? American Stories of Immigration and Peoplehood.Rogers M. Smith - 2010 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 77 (1):21-44.
    Americans have always been divided over whether to welcome or to discourage immigration. But virtually all American leaders have rested their views on notions that the United States has unique providential or world-historical significance-as an asylum for the world's oppressed, as a model to the world, or even as the world's leader. Today, it is normatively desirable for the U.S. to view itself not as the world's "city on a hill" but simply as one worthy political society among many others. (...)
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    Bioethics and activism: A natural fit?Wendy Rogers - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (8):881-889.
    Bioethics is a practically oriented discipline that developed to address pressing ethical issues arising from developments in the life sciences. Given this inherent practical bent, some form of advocacy or activism seems inherent to the nature of bioethics. However, there are potential tensions between being a bioethics activist, and academic ideals. In academic bioethics, scholarship involves reflection, rigour and the embrace of complexity and uncertainty. These values of scholarship seem to be in tension with being an activist, which requires pragmatism, (...)
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  46. (2 other versions)Freedom of Will and Freedom of Action.Rogers Albritton - 1982 - In Gary Watson (ed.), Free will. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 239-251.
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    Self-Interest: An Anthology of Philosophical Perspectives From Antiquity to the Present.Kelly Rogers (ed.) - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    Self-Interest discusses the reconciliation of inevitable self-concern with its manifest potential for harm. This anthology brings together the efforts of twenty three renown philosophers to address the matter of how to bring about such a reconciliation. The drive for self-preservation, as observed by Aquinas, is the first law of nature. With this self-love, however, comes the threat of "the excessive love of self". Self-Interest brings into discussion the reconciliation of necessary self-concern with its manifest potential for harm. This anthology brings (...)
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  48. Citizenship, Plural Citizenships, and Cosmopolitan Alternatives.Rogers Smith (ed.) - 2013 - University of Pennsylvania Press.
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    Pierre Bourdieus dialog med den klassiske sosiologien.Rogers Brubaker - 2006 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 24 (1-2):269-297.
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    Structure and Deterioration of Semantic Memory: A Neuropsychological and Computational Investigation.Timothy T. Rogers, Matthew A. Lambon Ralph, Peter Garrard, Sasha Bozeat, James L. McClelland, John R. Hodges & Karalyn Patterson - 2004 - Psychological Review 111 (1):205-235.
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